Cielo Vista Neighborhood Association

El Paso Neighborhood Association Day Proclamation 2015

WHEREAS: The El Paso Neighborhood Coalition and the City of El Paso’s Community and Human Development Department – Neighborhood Services Division have established an annual Neighborhood Summit, now in its 11th year; and

WHEREAS: The Neighborhood Summit builds relationships among neighborhood associations and allows residents to access information and training that leads to enhanced quality of life in our neighborhoods; and

WHEREAS: The El Paso Neighborhood Coalition, whose members serve the interests of the many neighborhood associations, has been instrumental in the organization of this and previous years’ summits; and

WHEREAS: The City Council recognizes the benefit to El Paso of its neighborhood associations and the El Paso Neighborhood Coalition, and encourages them to continue to coordinate with City staff on meaningful and beneficial programming such as the Neighborhood Summit, an event which serves as the centerpiece of this city’s resident-led advocacy initiatives.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED: by the Mayor and Council of the City of El Paso that August 18th, 2015 shall be known as:






Posted by on 08/18/2015
Last updated on 08/20/2015
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